She was reborn!
On one hot day in Central Jakarta, this little dog was found abandoned, half dead because of the heat and hunger. Her body was covered in sores and she could barely walk.The lady who found her was a friend of Let’s Adopt Indonesia, she did was she could do at the moment. She took the little dog, brought the dog home and tried to get the best medical help she could get before contacting Let’s Adopt Indonesia and trying to find her a new home.
But look at her now!
The little dog is named Angelie, the little orphan angel. Being a miniature pincher, she won’t grow bigger than this. Angelie is predicted to be born around 2012. She recovers fast and she shows no signs of trauma from her previous life.Angelie is perfect for an active family, she likes to play with other dogs or cats and loves to play with kids too. Being small doesn’t mean that she is less active — as a mini pincher, Angelie will need daily exercise and space to play.
Are you ready to open up your home for this little orphan angel? Contact LAI (letsadoptindonesia@gmail.